One borboun One scotch One beer
Wanna tell you a story,
About the house-man blues
I come home one Friday,
Had to tell the landlady I'd-a lost my job
She said that don't confront me,
Long as I get my money next Friday
Now next Friday come I didn't get the rent,
And out the door I went
So I goes to the landlady,
I said, "You let me slide?"
I'll have the rent for you in a month.
Next I don't know
So said let me slide it on you know people,
I notice when I come home in the evening
She ain't got nothing nice to say to me,
But for five year she was so nice
Loh' she was lovy-dovy,
I come home one particular evening
The landlady said, "You got the rent money yet?",
I said, "No, can't find no job"
Therefore I ain't got no money to pay the rent
She said "I don't believe you're tryin' to find no job"
Said "I seen you today you was standin' on a corner,
Leaning up against a post"
I said "But I'm tired, I've been walkin' all day"
She said "That don't confront me,
Long as I get my money next Friday"
Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent,
And out the door I went
So I go down the streets,
Down to my good friend's house
I said "Look man I'm outdoors you know,
Can I stay with you maybe a couple days?"
He said "Let me go and ask my wife"
He come out of the house,
I could see it in his face
I know that was no
He said "I don't know man, ah she kinda funny, you know"
I said "I know, everybody funny, now you funny too"
So I go back home
I tell the landlady I got a job, I'm gonna pay the rent
She said "Yeah?" I said "Oh yeah"
And then she was so nice,
Loh' she was lovy-dovy
So I go in my room, pack up my things and I go,
I slip on out the back door and down the streets I go
She a-howlin' about the front rent, she'll be lucky to get any back rent,
She ain't gonna get none of it
So I stop in the local bar you know people,
I go to the bar, I ring my coat, I call the bartender
Said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Well I ain't seen my baby since I don't know when,
I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey, scotch and gin
Gonna get high man I'm gonna get loose,
Need me a triple shot of that juice
Gonna get drunk don't you have no fear
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
But I'm sitting now at the bar,
I'm getting drunk, I'm feelin' mellow
I'm drinkin' bourbon, I'm drinkin' scotch, I'm drinkin' beer
Looked down the bar, here come the bartender
I said "Look man, come down here"
So what you want?
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't seen my baby since the night before last,
Gotta get a drink man I'm gonna get gassed
Gonna get high man I ain't had enough,
Need me a triple shot of that stuff
Gonna get drunk won't you listen right here,
I want one bourbon, one shot and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Now by this time I'm plenty high,
You know when your mouth a-getting dry you're plenty high
Looked down the bar I say to my bartender
I said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want this time?
I said "Look man, a-what time is it?"
He said "The clock on the wall say three o'clock
Last call for alcohol, so what you need?"
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No I ain't seen my baby since a nigh' and a week,
Gotta get drunk man till I can't even speak
Gonna get high man listen to me,
One drink ain't enough Jack you better make it three
I wanna get drunk I'm gonna make it real clear,
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Highway 49
I'm gonna get up in the mornin',
Gonna hit that Highway 49
I'm gonna get up in the mornin',
Gonna hit that Highway 49
I been lookin' for my Elvonnie(?),
That sweet woman's steady on my mind
First I'm gonna stop by whiskey store,
Pick me up a jug o'wine
First I'm gonna stop by the whiskey store,
Pick me up a six-pack o'wine
I been lookin' for my baby,
She's restin' on my weary mind
Yeah, it'll be soon in the mornin'
When I go rollin' into Jacksontown, downtown
It'll be soon in the mornin'
When I go rollin' into Jackson, Mississippi town
I been lookin' for my baby,
The police said she can't be found
Don't tell me that
I'm gonna get up in the mornin',
Gonna hit that Highway 49
I'm gonna get up in the mornin',
Gonna hit that Highway 49
I'm gonna dust my blues, peoples,
Leave this raggedy-ass town behind
Book 2
1. 不過當然,這種話天吾並沒有說出口。
1. 不管對方是誰,都不猶豫,外行的會猶豫。尤其對方是年輕女性時。
2. 槍和汽車一樣,與其完全新品不如狀況好的中古品更值得信賴。
3. 這個世界與其說是用錢,不如說是用情分上的相欠債在運作。
1. 小松有時候看得出有類似毀滅願望的傾向。計畫中的一切完全曝光,原汁原味的滿滿大醜聞壯觀地引爆,全體相關者從高空彈飛出去,他或許正求之不得。
2. 同時現在又像阿基里斯的腳踝般成為他的致命弱點。
3. 就像吸取魔幻寫實主義的法國女作家莎岡。
4. 故事寫得很有趣,一直吸引著讀者到最後,不過說到空氣蛹到底是什麼?Little People到底是什麼?我們到最後還被留在充滿神祕問號的泳池中。或許這正是作者的意圖也不一定,不過應該有不少讀者會把這種姿態視為「作家的怠慢」。就算對這部處女作暫且認可,但作者往後如果要繼續當個小說家的話,則不久的將來這種故意賣弄的態度就有待誠懇檢討了。讀到這裡天吾不禁歪頭懷疑。「故事寫得很有趣,一直吸引著讀者到最後,如果這方面作者成功的話,誰都不能說作者是怠慢的吧?」
5. 她從家裡帶來幾張LP唱片,放在唱片架上,為了在床上和他一起聽。都是些很久以前的爵士樂唱片,路易斯.阿姆斯壯、比莉.哈樂黛(在這裡巴尼.畢葛德還是以伴奏者身分參加),一九四0年代的艾靈頓公爵。
6. 沒錯,在法律的意義上,在現世的意義上,啊,當然不算犯罪。但是讓我引用喬治.歐威爾的偉大古典作品 ── 或作為偉大引用來源的小說 ── 的話,那正是接近所謂的「思考犯罪」的東西。
1. 天吾和深繪里,簡直像在說Sonny&Cher的組合一樣。最強的二重唱。The Beat Goes On(節奏不會停下來)。
2. 該消失的地方。
3. 他穿著Jeff Beck來日本公演的T恤。
4. 不說明就不會懂的事,是怎麼說明都不會懂的事。
1. 「我知道。」男人說。「我知道很多事情。只要妳可以的話,就請妳開始吧。就像妳每次所做的那樣。」
1. 世上大多數人,並沒有在追求可以實證的真相。所謂真相大多的情況,就如妳所說的那樣,是伴隨著強烈的疼痛的。而大部分的人並不追求伴隨疼痛的真相。人們所需要的,是能讓他們盡量感覺到自己的存在是有深刻意義的,美麗而舒服的故事。所以宗教才能成立。
2. 很多人藉著否定、排除自己是無力的矮小存在這個印象,才勉強保持沒有發瘋。
3. 「老實說,我並不認為自己正在做的事情是宗教行為。」男人說。「我在做的事情,只是聽取那裡的聲音,把那傳達給世人。聲音只有我聽得見。能聽見那聲音毫無疑問是真實的。但無法證明那訊息是否為真理。我所能做的事情,只是把其中附隨的幾個微小的恩寵化為實體而已。」
4. 「這是一本耐人尋味的書。告訴我們很多事。在歷史上的某個時期,很久以前的古老時代,在世界上許多地方,規定王的任期終了時就要被殺。任期大約十年到十二年左右。任期結束後人們就會來把他殘殺掉,那對共同體是必要的,王也主動接受這個行為,那殺法必須是血淋淋而殘忍的。而且這樣被殺帶給為亡者很大的名譽。為什麼王必須被殺呢?因為那個時代所謂的王是代表人們『聽聲音的人』。那樣的人主動擔任連接他們和我們的橋梁。而且經過一段時期之後,殺掉這『聽聲音的人』,對共同體來說是不可或缺的事情。是為了好好保持活在地上的人的意識,和Little People所發揮的力量的均衡。在古代的世界,統治、和聽神的聲音,是同義的事。不過當然這種習俗不知何時已經廢除了,王不再被殺,王位變成世俗甚至世襲的東西。就這樣,人們已經不再聽聲音了。」
5. 「所謂一步都沒有走出過內心的事情,在這個世界是不存在的。」
1. 所謂世界這東西,是由定位於「悲慘」和「缺乏喜悅」之間的某種地方,分別帶著各種形狀的小世界,無限累積所成立的,這個事實正由窗外的風景暗示著。
2. 「當然。她每星期來這裡不是為了玩大富翁遊戲的。」
3. 以雷鳴聲為背景開始講起<貓之村>的故事。
1. 妳害怕不得不脫下到目前為止長久以來一直穿著的堅固鎧甲。
2. Perceiver/Receiver。
3. 我們在更久以前,就應該鼓起勇氣互相找尋對方的。那樣我們在後來的世界也許就可以在一起了。
1. 因為收了很多人,所以當然需要某種程度的戒律。不過如果眼光過於專注在固定的形式,會迷失本來的目的。戒律和教義終究只是順勢而為的東西。重要的不是框框,而是裡面的東西。
2. 「對,對,就是這樣。」Ayumi說,彈響手指。「就像史提夫.麥昆在《亡命大煞星》的電影裡那樣。鈔票和手槍。我喜歡這個。」
1. Chantez-Les Bas。
1. 不過根據領導的暗示,不是在致命的地方我們不會邂逅。就像擁有暴力性的某種純粹結合一樣。
1. Mother’s Little Helper。
Lady Jane。
Little Red Rooster。
1. 人們在insane精神異常和lunatic滿月瘋狂之間,面無表情地來來往往。
1. 對了那部電影的片名是《聯合縮小軍》(Fantastic Voyage)。
1. Home On The Range。
1. The Thomas Crown Affair, 1968,費.唐娜薇。
2. 米榭.李葛蘭(Michel Legrand)配樂。
3. Big Brother在看著你。
1. 不如說是從職棒二軍怎麼也升不上去的大學體育系的教練似的。
2. 而且我好像具有接受著的資質,可能應該這樣補充說明。總之,甚至在現實上都被拉進自己所寫的小說的世界裡去了。
3. 不過這是當然的事。因為實際上就什麼都不是。
4. 只是把身體沉入漫無目的的空白中而已。
5. 在那裏的是,讓他沒有去調查父母的戶籍,讓他沒有去尋找青豆行蹤的 同一種畏懼。
Book 1